Wednesday, June 05, 2024

numbers, before the indulgence

Here are my morning numbers, taken before I ruin everything for myself later this evening:

blood sugar: 97 (after four Cherry Coke Zeroes last night)
blood pressure: 112/67 (my device calls this "low")
weight: 114.5 kg
pulse-ox: 98%
pulse: 58
estimated A1c since 4/15: 7.33

I'll be morbidly curious to see how bad things are tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, I'll eat a little something, like a Paris Baguette salad, before I meet Charles later today since I don't want to starve until then: I fasted most of yesterday and will fast again tomorrow. No need to torture myself unnecessarily.

1 comment:

  1. All systems go for burgers. If you can maintain those numbers through a combination of intermittent fasting/OMAD, meds, and walking/resistance training for a year or so, you should be able to stave off any disease progression and hopefully see some major improvements in heart function. Let there be feasting before the inevitable fast.



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