Thursday, June 06, 2024

recovering from yesterday

I haven't had a thing today—not even my ritual smoothie. I'm in recovery mode from yesterday's cheat day. No, I didn't bother to weigh myself, take my blood pressure, measure blood sugar, or anything else, either. Today is Memorial Day in Korea, a day off, so I've been taking it easy, doing little more than resting. I had contemplated going on a 22K trek from Gayang Station along the western Han River to Unyang Station in the next-door city of Gimpo, but laziness* got the better of me, and the most I might—might—do tonight is my standard 9K walk out to the river and back. I had also wanted to spend part of the day doing some brush art now that I've resupplied myself with calligraphy paper and Monami brand brush pens (the tip is actually a sponge, not a brush). But the Muse didn't come to me, so the pens and paper sat idle. In terms of meaningful work done today: I did the laundry that had accumulated in my washing machine up to midweek. And last night, I rewatched "Dune, Part 2"—no other movies seen today. Yay, me. Aside from that, it was nice to just rest and relax.

Tonight, I'll take my meds and get back on schedule. Last night, I didn't bother with meds or my other pills (berberine, magnesium, Vitamin D, Kirkland multivitamins, Omega-3), and that felt good, too. I've been meds-free all day. My intestines certainly appreciated the break: not a single instance of diarrhea today. In fact, I'm left to wonder how and why I didn't poop at all today, either. It's as if I'd eaten ten bananas, then downed a cup of psyllium fiber. Strange.


*Laziness plus the fact that it's warm enough, now, that taking long walks during the day is once again a pain. With Gayang and Unyang both being so far west, I don't want to be that far away from home should I finish a nighttime walk very late: a cab ride home would be expensive, and the subway wouldn't be available. I'd have to find a motel and shack up in Gimpo or western Seoul for the night. Better to save long walks for the weekend.


  1. You deserve a break today. And you did better than McDonald's yesterday. Re-boot and move on tomorrow.

  2. Probably a good thing you didn't go for a walk yesterday. HJ and I went to Paju for the day, and the sun and heat were absolutely brutal. We were both completely wiped out at the end of the day.



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