Friday, June 14, 2024

the PI preps for war with China?

I seriously doubt the Philippines would initiate a war with China, but I'm sure it's serious about defending itself and its sovereignty.


  1. Things are ramping up. I agree that the PI won't start the fight, but I'm not sure that China will ultimately be deterred by the defensive actions the Philippines has initiated. If war comes, all my problems are over (assuming I perish in the Chinese bombing of Subic Bay).

  2. In a sense, you've been preparing for war. You and Swan know all the routes into the local mountains, where you have a network of mountain-dwelling friends and acquaintances. At this point, you're also used to tramping around with lots of food, so you can stock up on dried staples to survive in "the wild" for weeks or months. Just pick up a few more survival skills, and you're good!

  3. I've honestly thought of a mountain escape and the hardships of living that life. I guess it would be better than doing a recreation of the Bataan death march, but maybe it would be a blessing to die quick and avoid the suffering.



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