Friday, June 07, 2024

why to be cautious about RFK Jr.

Commenter Brian once asked why I listen to Styx. Styx is a smart guy despite being a college dropout. He knows his way around the Constitution, and he has an understanding of politics, human psychology, and history that makes him able to predict—in an uncanny way—turns in the larger human narrative. He's also able to get through his videos in a single take—no jump cuts. There's a price to be paid for this, though: he mispronounces, misuses, and invents words willy-nilly, revealing his dropout status and detracting, somewhat, from his respectability. But if you leave that sloppiness aside, Styx is worth listening to because, whenever he talks about the near future, he's generally right. Only a couple years before it happened, Styx had been saying that "we're overdue for another pandemic." And, poof—COVID-19 comes along. He was admittedly wrong in his prediction that the Trump trial in New York would end in a hung jury, but like a lot of people, he probably put too much stock in human goodness to see the trial had a predetermined outcome. I doubt he'll make such a mistake again. He also articulates a point of view that parallels my own to a great extent, but there are areas where I disagree with him, e.g., with his neutral stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. He calls himself "not pro-Israel, not pro-Palestine, but pro-America," whereas I have no trouble saying I side more with Israel than with the head-choppers and rapists. Anyway, here's Styx (full username: Styxhexenhammer666) on why we should be chary of RFK Jr.:

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