Friday, June 14, 2024


Season 4 of "The Boys" and Season 2 of "House of the Dragon" are starting up, so I once again have something to watch. The first three episodes of "The Boys" are out; the remaining five will be released weekly. "House of the Dragon" starts on Sunday, with one episode per week. Both series follow the trendy eight-episode formula.

So I'll be bingeing "The Boys" tonight while my boeuf bourguignon gently simmers. (It'll be done at 2 a.m.) Off the chain for the Friday luncheon so I can eat pasta with the beef Burgundy, then back to the strictness over the weekend. A bit less than a month until my next hospital visit. I'm predicting an A1c of 7.5, but I'd be happy to discover I'd somehow gotten down to a 6-point-something. We'll see.

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