Thursday, November 08, 2012

conservatives mourn

Malcolm's lament.

Dr. Vallicella's lament.

Bill's lament.

Come on, gents-- surely you saw this coming?



  1. I have to say, I'm amused. I was equally amused 8 years ago when the left predicted the rise of an American fascist state and how homosexuals, immigrants, and liberals would be rounded up and thrown into concentration camps.

    The most dire predictions rarely come true--the real world is far more interesting.

  2. Hmm. I guess I should burn my U.S. passport, seeing as how I will soon have no country to return to. I will be cast adrift on the sea of the world, like Koreans were at the beginning of the 20th century.

    Well, it was a good run, America. We'll miss you.

  3. Steve,

    Agreed. Interesting that you mention the concentration camp thing; conservative talking head Michelle Malkin famously called for a return to Manzanar-style internment camps for all the illegal aliens. One reason I can't get totally behind the conservative project is people like Malkin, whose wild-eyed, xenophobic version of conservatism besmirches the more sedate, rational, erudite, William F. Buckley sort.



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