Sunday, May 18, 2014

your thought for the day

Human beings, by habit or tradition, generally need to stop three times a day to refuel. When done in a tranquil manner, each refueling session takes the better part of an hour. Food intake implies waste expulsion, so humans must take time out of their day to perform that task as well. On top of the food issue, there's the fact that humans tend to sleep anywhere from one-quarter to one-third of the day.

Given all these pauses, it's amazing to me that people manage to get anything done during their remaining free time. Building the Pyramids and going to the moon are near-miraculous acts, and we still manage to find the time to kill each other now and then.



  1. So, bureaucrats must really be full of shit or something...

    It is pretty amazing when you think about how much of a lifetime is devoted to basic maintenance versus achievement.

  2. Baeksu,

    I've heard of Soylent before; I've read some interviews and seen some (tongue-in-cheek) videos about it. Interesting concept, but it would drive me crazy to go on such a diet. The monotony would kill me, despite the supposed customizability.



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