Monday, January 03, 2022

you hate it, but you can't even define it

I'm not always the biggest fan of gotcha interviews. It's easy to assemble a mashup of clips featuring the stupidest people you meet on the street. Dunderheads are everywhere, after all. That said, I admit I derive a certain low, petty satisfaction from watching woke morons flail around trying to define a term they use all the time but don't really understand. In the video below, students at my alma mater, Georgetown University, have a hard time defining "toxic masculinity" despite claiming, one and all, to deplore it:

My hubaes* are all idiots.


*Hubae (후배) = someone younger than you who attended or attends your university. Sometimes loosely translated into English as a "junior." In Korean culture, a seonbae ("senior") has certain privileges vis-à-vis his juniors, whom s/he can order around and ask to perform menial tasks if needed, although some might see this as an abuse of power. The seonbae/hubae relationship become more important later on in life when a hubae graduates and knows a seonbae who already works at a company the hubae also wants to work at.

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