Sunday, April 24, 2022

so, I see there's a National Compost Your Girlfriend Day

The whole thing sounds very Hitchcockian: National Compost Your Girlfriend Day (found here). I'm sure some feminist idiot is out there right now protesting the joke day's inherent misogyny. The idea for the joke day came from an incident involving Ira Einhorn, a putative co-creator of Earth Day:

Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the "composted" body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.

Whether Einhorn* actually co-founded Earth Day is a matter of contention. Einhorn himself claims to have been a co-founder, but the Wikipedia article on Earth Day doesn't seem to mention Einhorn at all, except in a "see also" section at the very end. The Wikipedia article on Einhorn notes Einhorn's claim but says other people involved with Earth Day have refuted it. At the very least, Einhorn spoke at the first Earth Day event, and he was indeed a self-proclaimed environmentalist.


*Einhorn is German for "unicorn," and Einhorn was later dubbed "the Unicorn Killer," a phrase meant to be interpreted the same way as "the gentleman bandit," i.e., a bandit who is a gentleman, not one who robs gentlemen, making Einhorn the killer who was a unicorn.

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