Wednesday, July 26, 2023

"armed citizenry" versus tyranny

You see a lot of talk in the comments sections of rightie sites about how good it is that America has an "armed citizenry." The point of having armed citizens is, they say, to counteract governmental tyranny and oppression. But this makes me wonder: where were the armed citizens when January 6 protestors were unjustly rounded up and imprisoned (in many cases without even being charged) for doing far less than the stupid motherfuckers in the George Floyd/BLM riots? Where were the armed citizens when the government mandated masking and self-isolation, with at least half the country (including many conservatives!) knuckling under and even receiving the COVID jab? Despite the right to overthrow a government being affirmed by luminaries from Abraham Lincoln on down, where are the brave armed citizens who will cast down the Biden junta so we can start anew? From what I see, these hardy folks are nowhere to be found. Brave talk transforms into grumbles and mumbles about "defending our own" and such. Just how hard do you have to poke the sleeping bear before it finally decides to wake its lazy, cowardly ass up? 

And what good is an "armed citizenry" in the meantime?

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