Sunday, July 30, 2023


Do you really expect AOC to learn?

when you have that talk with your parents

As a commenter noted, she started off on Willie Brown's staff.

Just give me the ass and some responsive nipples.

If that is your destiny.

I keep hoping for California to break off and slide into the ocean.

I feel guilty for putting this one up. Can't believe this happened twice.

An astronaut on the Rogan podcast cracked that he was perfectly aware he wouldn't see any borders from orbit.

I hope I die in a titanic explosion.

We've had a few mid-90s days of late. Heavy-rain warnings today, though.

Someone else suggested adding journalists, but those "journalists" aren't really journalists.

I'm not sure Roseanne made her point clearly. Still, it's weird to see her on our side.


John Mac said...

Yep, when it comes to tits, more than a mouthful is a waste...

Kevin Kim said...

I wonder if girls think the same way when they're chomping on a dick.