Thursday, July 20, 2023

toe update

This may be my first long walk (17K) without any bandages on my feet. I expected the walk to go pretty well, and it did. No leakage whatsoever. I'm still not going to declare victory until I've done another two long walks, but I think victory is apparent at this point.

As you see, the sock below is unmarred by any droplets:

And the toe looks just as it did before:

Ugly, yes, but largely healed. And my buoyant mood reflected the fact that tonight's walk felt like the first normal walk I've done in a long, long time. My feet ached at the end of it, especially my right foot, but that's thanks to having de-conditioned. The dawgs will toughen up in due time as I keep trudging. I want to do a 30K nighttime walk from Yangpyeong to Yeoju before the summer's up. I feel almost ready to do such a walk right now, but I'll build up to it by walking down to Bundang (18K), then doing a walk to Hanam City (26K). Baby steps.


John Mac said...

Great news! It's been a long time coming, but you made it. How do you prevent a similar problem in the future?

Kevin Kim said...

Stay away from sugar.