Monday, July 24, 2023

toe update (long walk #2 of 3)

Not a big surprise, but I'm another step closer to declaring myself officially healed. As you see in the sock pic below, there is once again no leakage. And as you see in the toe pic following the sock pic, there's no evidence of swelling or inflammation or any kind of fluid buildup. The spot where the wound was looks a tiny bit darker, but I've palpated the spot a million times, and there's no sense that anything has gathered in that area. Maybe something might rip or burst open during a very long walk (say, 30K), but the probability of that is low.

I'll do another long walk this coming Wednesday, at which point I'll declare myself wound-free. If only I could smell and taste: I'd throw myself a party. As things stand, I'm doing my extremely belated July Fourth luncheon this coming Friday (COVID kind of got in the way of the original schedule). I can taste things, a little, when they're very hot (temperature, not spice), and I can smell things when my nose is about an inch away, and I inhale deeply. So I might be able to enjoy my own cooking this Friday—at least a little.

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