Monday, September 11, 2023

the impossibility of evidence-based medicine?

Dr. John Campbell discusses why, in the current climate, it's almost impossible to use evidence-based approaches to medicine. As I said previously, this is largely a matter of ego and money, but Campbell breaks this down even further. So let's say you leave me a comment containing "evidence" that, in the US, the "unvaccinated" have been dying at a higher rate than the "vaccinated" (as one commenter did, but I didn't publish the comment because, per my policy, I don't publish anonymous comments, even the civil ones, as this one was). Okay, so you've cited one source, and I have no idea how reliable that source is. In fact, I have reason to believe, given recent research done by Campbell and others, that the opposite is true: the "vaccinated" die more frequently, have increased susceptibility to infection and reinfection, are more contagious—when infected—than the naturally immune, and fall prey to myocarditis, a whole host of neural problems, weird clotting, and sudden death for no apparent reason. Why, then, should I take your "source" seriously? And with trust in scientific authority so thoroughly undermined, how can evidence-based medicine be practiced?

Campbell himself has been on a long journey. I admit I didn't like him very much at first; he was constantly scolding US medicine for making the wrong decisions about this or that, sounding for all the world like the typically haughty European filled with ignorant chauvinism toward America. He used to be a masking advocate and a much bigger advocate for injections, but as he ruthlessly followed the evidence to the best of his ability, his medical opinions began to change, and he is now vilified by the ideology-over-science crowd for no longer supporting The Sacred Narrative. Because he's been on this journey, I'm more inclined to trust his opinion now than that of random people trying to make this or that claim. And for those who don't know Campbell: while he's come down on the side of natural immunity, he's not, from what I've seen, an "anti-vaxxer."

1 comment:

  1. "Science," as defined by many, can't differentiate between a man and a woman. Just give me the ability to review the evidence and make up my own mind; thank you very much.



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