Sunday, June 02, 2024

blood sugar under 100

My blood-sugar reading was 97 today. The diet and meds and walking (mostly the meds) may all be having an effect. Meanwhile, Dr. Sten Ekberg recently put out a video about a "fasting-mimicking diet" that sounds a lot like Dr. Roy Taylor's Newcastle diet but is meant to be more sustainable (i.e., done for more than ten weeks, which is the length of time for Newcastle). It's the first time I've seen Ekberg shilling for an explicitly vegetarian diet, but who knows? I might give it a go for three months, with occasional cheat days, and see how it turns out.


  1. It seems to be working; probably a combination of everything you're doing. I just can't imagine you on a vegetarian diet. Who'd a thunk it? And no more meat pictures. Damn, what a world.

  2. Congrats, dude. That's pretty awesome. Hopefully our Wednesday excursion will not do too much damage.

    As for not eating meat, it really is not the end of the world. We can talk about it over some dead cows.

  3. Charles,

    I'll be fasting the following day, so no worries.



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