Sunday, June 02, 2024

tragedy strikes Tulsi's family


Tulsi Gabbard’s Aunt Murdered by Prominent Samoan Author

The aunt of former Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was brutally murdered in Samoa. The suspect is none other than the well-known Samoan author and playwright Papalii Sia Figiel, 57. The victim, Caroline Sinavaiana-Gabbard, 78, was a retired University of Hawaii professor and the sister of American politician Mike Gabbard.

The tragic incident occurred at the GaluMoana Theater in Vaivase-uta, where the two individuals got into a heated argument. Figiel, who was charged with the murder, allegedly stabbed Sinavaiana-Gabbard several times and beat her with a hammer until her death. Initially, Figiel was charged with suspicion of manslaughter, but after a preliminary investigation, authorities increased the charge to murder.

Caroline Sinavaiana-Gabbard was a prominent figure in the Samoan community, being the first Samoan to become a full professor in the United States. She was also a respected academic, writer, poet, and environmentalist. Her work in the literary world was highly regarded, and she was a well-known figure in the Samoan literary scene.

What a way to go when you're that old. Condolences to the family.

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