Monday, June 17, 2024

good question


Who Are Biden Voters Saving The Planet For If None Of Them Are Having Children?
Just roughly 1 in 5 Biden supporters believe society would be better off by prioritizing marriage and children, according to Pew.

A new report from the Pew Research Center released last week found that less than 20 percent of President Joe Biden’s supporters believe society would be better off prioritizing marriage and children. These are also the voters most likely to believe “climate change” represents an immediate existential threat to the future of the species, which raises the question, who are Biden voters saving the planet for if merely a fraction of them even want children?

Yet another one of those self-undermining leftist self-contradictions, like Race is merely an abstract concept, but it's possible to be racist or Sex and gender are not binaries, but bisexuality is still a thing (LGBTQ). Read the rest.

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