Monday, June 17, 2024

it nearly killed me

So my tentative conclusion is that I'm super-sensitive to carbs. Whatever cheating I do needs to be, at most, once a month, and it has to be a cheat meal, not a cheat day. I took in a lot of carbs starting from Friday and going through Sunday. My boeuf bourguignon would've been fine without the pasta, but I ate gobs of fusilli. Over the weekend, I also finished off my nachos leftovers, which meant taking down a ton of corn chips (that weren't half bad for once, except for their round shape, which is terrible for nachos), and I didn't help matters by guzzling regular sodas and eating those high-grade Hershey's chocolate-covered pomegranates and blueberries. God, I love those. But I'm at the point, I guess, where everything I love is poised to kill me, so I have to say goodbye to it all. Hasta la huego, mis nachos.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm a lot older than you, and as far as I know, I'm not allergic to carbs the way you seem to be, but damn, denying myself the things I enjoy is increasingly difficult. That voice in my head keeps saying, "You are going to die of something anyway, so enjoy life while you can." It's been months since I've enjoyed my favorite treat--ice cream. I wonder if that will be one of my regrets looking back from my deathbed.



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