Tuesday, March 18, 2025

I want this

What a chicken sandwich! Amazing. I probably wouldn't mind that mac and cheese, either, even with those bread crumbs. Oh, and don't mind the ungrammatical French of the restaurant's name (Le Coupe). I see this sort of thing in Korea all the time (e.g., the ungrammatical brand Mamonde, an example of froréen or corçais). Coupe as a noun is feminine (see this dictionary, not Google AI, which is dumb and gets it wrong), so it should be la coupe. Le coupé (note the accent, which changes the pronunciation from \ koop \ to \ koopey \ ) is the French way to talk about what we Yanks call a coupe ( \ koop \, rhymes with "loop"), i.e., a car with only two doors. Coupé is the past participle of couper, to cut. So imagine that a normal car usually has four doors, so a coupé has been cut down to size.

une coupe / la coupe = a cut / the cut (fem.)
une coupe de glace / la coupe de glace = a cup of ice cream / the cup of ice cream (fem.)
un coupé / le coupé = a coupe / the coupe (masc.)

It's like a chicken schnitzel with bread and slaw as an afterthought. Obnoxious. I love it. But I couldn't eat it unless I starved for a week. After eating, I'd have to walk 20 miles (have to start thinking in miles again for when I'm in the States).

1 comment:

  1. I'd have a hard time resisting that sandwich. I'd be chicken to say no.



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