Wednesday, March 19, 2025


If you're already thin, you may not realize how this is a constant battle. I'm not asking for pity, just for understanding. The Buddhist analysis would be that the problem lies in the mind, and a mind laboring under the weight of all the wrong karma is hard (but not impossible) to change. The mind is a powerful thing. It's what creates the universe for you.

My Buddhism prof at Catholic U. once burned his finger on his tea mug in the faculty lounge, and I saw him the moment he flinched. "Pain is only in your mind," I joked Buddhistically. He retorted, "But since my finger is also in my mind, that doesn't solve the problem."

Oh, and: weight-loss video. Hyphenate the phrasal adjective. And add a period.

More inspiration:


  1. You may not think that I would have much sympathy for you, being the skinny bastard that I am, but I do indeed understand how hard some things can be. I have no idea what it's like to be you, so I have no idea how hard certain things are for you. I do know that we all have our own crosses to bear, though, and while what might be hard for you might not be hard for me, it goes both ways--I'm sure there are things that you don't think too much about that are a lot harder for me. So while I have no experience with your struggle, I can at least sympathize on a basic human level.

    1. I've been practicing for the Lactation Olympics. How're you coming along?

  2. Slowly but surely. Slower than I would like, but such is being old.



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