Behold the animated GIF version of the infamous "Toyota Supra Girl" YouTube vid:

I'm charmed by Supra Girl's sauciness. Quite unashamed of having her shirt ripped open by centrifugal force,* she makes almost no effort to cover herself up when she gets out of the car. How many women do you know who are that comfortable with their bodies?
I agree with certain commenters that there's something staged about this whole display. The guy waiting with a coat at the end of the video is a big giveaway: he had to have known what was going to happen to Supra Girl. There's also the fact that Supra Girl didn't put her harness on the entire way: she had strapped in her waist, but not her shoulders, as the driver had done. Very unsafe, but a great way to maximize boob-swingage, for which I am eternally grateful.
I toyed with the idea of reducing the above 20 frames to 10, and then doing a parody of the Ten Ox-herding Pictures of Zen Buddhism. Am still considering such a parody...
*Yes, I'm aware there's some controversy as to whether centrifugal force even exists.
Call me a prude if you must, but I'd suggest the bigger controversy is the objectification of women in the service of commercialism.
ReplyDeleteYou can chalk that opinion up to my being the father of two daughters.
Well, a father of daughters can no longer afford to be a dirty old man, so I accept your prudery as a given.
ReplyDeleteAs for the objectification of women: I'm a Camille Paglia feminist, which means I don't divorce biology from my assessment of male/female dynamics, and I do ascribe free will to women. Paglia would note that many women willingly participate in their own objectification because-- as the not-so-prudish French know so well-- sexuality is empowering. Labeling objectified women as victims is, in this sense, a subtler form of objectification, because it doesn't acknowledge a woman's freedom to choose her own path, and comes off as paternalistic.
Also, as Paglia would note, men are, according to their biology, wired to ogle. Does this make ogling right? No, but it should make it both unsurprising and a commonplace. And besides: women are wired to ogle, too. Where's the outcry about the objectification of men in those cologne commercials, or in those cleaning-product commercials in which a struggling housewife is saved from her chores by a handsome hunk of beefcake?
Let the boobies run free, Steve!