Thursday, November 19, 2020

deadly bird day tomorrow; final prep tonight

My pre-Thanksgiving office luncheon is happening tomorrow.  Tonight, I need to prep the last few things for tomorrow's meal:  I'm going to sear my turkey breast, prep my peas and carrots, and—at the request of my officemates—make and bake a pumpkin pie.  I'll be using my buddy Charles's favorite ingredient, dan-hobak (단호박), a.k.a. kabocha or sweet squash (also called "sweet pumpkin," "autumn squash," or even "winter squash").  I've prepped pretty much everything else, and since tomorrow's luncheon isn't happening until 3 p.m. (the boss is coming in very late), I'll have time tomorrow morning to finalize any prep and to reheat food items once I'm at the office.  The meal ought to be fun.  I've had fun making it in this slow-but-steady way, doing only one or two dishes every day.  Expect pictures.

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