Thursday, November 26, 2020

Obama says "Fuck you" to pro-Trump Latinos

The left's racist assumption is that, if you're not white, then you have no business voting Trump or GOP.  Seen on Instapundit:   Obama Mocks Pro-Trump Hispanics, Pro-Lifers, and Evangelicals in One Statement. A quote from the article:

Former President Barack Obama mocked Hispanics who voted for President Donald Trump, pro-lifers, and conservative Christians in one statement. He suggested that pro-Trump Hispanics betrayed their race in exchange for less consequential evangelical issues.

“People were surprised about a lot of Hispanic folks who voted for Trump,” Obama said, referring to the fact that in 2020, Trump outperformed his 2016 numbers in 78 of the nation’s 100 majority-Hispanic counties. He also improved his margins with Hispanics in exit polls in the top 10 battleground states.

Obama attributed this shift to conservative religious views, suggesting that opposition to gay marriage and abortion distracted Hispanics from issues they should care about, like race.

“There’s a lot of evangelical Hispanics who, the fact that Trump says racist things about Mexicans, or puts detainees — you know undocumented workers — in cages, they think that’s less important than the fact that he supports their views on gay marriage or abortion,” Obama said.

With no sense of self-awareness, Obama castigates Trump for the "cages" thing, even though Obama himself engaged in the practice and was worse about it.  This dumb twat sat in the Oval Office for eight years.  Partisans claim he was good for the economy, but when he created jobs, they were either burger-flipping private-sector jobs or cushy public-sector (i.e., government) jobs.  His foreign policy, meanwhile, involved kneepads and puckered lips, resulting in a loss of respect for America abroad (remember how, during Obama's 2016 trip to China, the Chinese basically snubbed him at the tarmac?).  Trump's big-stick approach may have been crass, but Trump spoke the brute language of strength that most world leaders—the ones with balls—understand, and the result has been an outbreak of peace in the Middle East.  Go figure:  kissing ass isn't the way to make deals.  Anyway, Obama was a shit president who did little for the economy and nothing for international relations.  His dismissively bigoted comments about Latinos are just par for the course.  Imagine him making blanket statements about black folks who vote Democrat but are against gay marriage (and there are a lot of them).  How do you think that would go over?

1 comment:

  1. Yep, 100% agree on this. But I'm white so that doesn't matter.



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