Thursday, November 05, 2020

it is what it is

As Styx pointed out in a video from maybe a month ago, if Biden wins, we'll survive him.  We survived eight years of Obama; the left survived eight years of Dubya.  We'll endure Biden, and probably President Kamala.  I wonder whether the left understands what happens when it gets its wish.  With no blue wave in Congress, where the Dems only barely hold the House and still don't have the Senate, and with a conservative-stacked Supreme Court, Biden will have a hard time enacting any sort of agenda.  The right will be accused of obstructionism, but this is an accusation that perennially applies to both sides.

Upshot:  I've made my peace with the idea that Donald Trump will be a one-term president.  I was never particularly attached to him; I never reached a point where I actively liked or applauded him; I did agree with many of his policies (and I thoroughly enjoyed how he drove the left into self-righteous fits of insanity), but if people are smart, those policies can be resurrected by future presidents.  So I'm prepared to endure a Biden/Harris administration, and unlike my leftist acquaintances and friends, I'll do little more than chafe and gripe about it:  I won't suffer Biden Derangement Syndrome and call him Hitler or Mao or Stalin every time I write about him.  I'll evaluate the man for who he actually is; there's little point in wasting my energy on a straw-man version of him.

So it is what it is.  If we're in for four years of Biden/Harris, so be it.  I'll quietly do my part to critique and campaign against the coming stupidity, but you won't see me going all Antifa and armoring up for battle.  If anything, I expect the Biden/Harris administration to suffer the Trump Effect writ large:  something major and disastrous is probably on the horizon for these two morons, and it'll be fun to watch the tsunami from the sidelines.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you and will be acting the same as we move into the unknown future. Still, a tsunami does bring collateral damage and the suffering will be universal.



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