Friday, September 17, 2021

feels good

I got paid yesterday, giving me a few thousand in the bank to play with as I go off on my adventure. This will be the first month that I can afford not to send any money home to the States: I have enough money Stateside to cover expenses for several months, so I can concentrate on saving money once this trip is done. I paid off my scholastic debt last December, and as of last month, I paid down my credit card. I'll be racking up some credit-card debt during this trip as I go from pension to pension, motel to motel, but that'll be easy to pay off upon my return to Seoul. I usually spend, on average, about $2000 on these hikes, divided between my Korean check card (linked to my bank account) and my American credit card (which was only recently replaced). The check-card debt is basically already paid off, and a $1000 credit-card debt can be paid off in one go. Financially, I'm in a good place.

Now, let's make some Moroccan-inspired chicken!

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