Tuesday, September 14, 2021

happy now?

Friday, 5 p.m. bus to Daejin. Walk to pension from Daejin Station. 

I've also made my reservation for Friday at Haedang-hwa Pension. Assuming the bus takes about 3 hours to get to Daejin, and it's a 7-kilometer walk from Daejin Station to the pension, I won't be at the pension until 9:30-ish. Which is fine. I just need a place to sleep.

I should note that much of my walk stops at various pensions along the way, but if I find a motel versus a pension, I'll be much more likely to stay in one of those. Pensions can be very nice, but you often have to call ahead and make reservations. I don't like doing that; I'd much rather be able to walk right in, get my room, and then chill.

Day 1 of the walk ends at a motel, luckily, and while I've listed Day 2 as ending at a pension, I looked at the map again and saw there's a motel just 300 meters farther down the way, so I'll most likely be staying there. I plan to check the motel situation at every stop; if a pension is the only option, then I guess I'm stuck with a pension for the night.

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