Wednesday, September 08, 2021

wish fulfillment

Just saw this:

Wish it were true, but it's not. Our armed "patriots" are passively taking it up the ass, and they will until at least the midterm elections. If those elections get stolen, too, then maybe we'll see something, but I'm not hopeful. For now, I see no people who're willing to take up arms and take back their government. We all know this has to be done, but none of us has the balls to do anything. Shame on us all.


  1. Seems to me the current clowns, imbeciles, and haters of freedom are doing an excellent job of destroying their own agenda. I'm one of those looking to next year with great expectations that the American people will speak loudly enough that fraud won't be an option. If they fail to do so we are truly fucked and a civil war may actually come to pass. I think this is why those in power are so intent on indoctrinating our military with their woke agenda. I don't see them succeeding in that regard.

  2. But then there's California, where Larry Elder thinks he has a chance against Gavin Newsom. Further, Elder thinks he can un-fuck California, which is buried under decades of bad policy. I like Larry Elder a lot, but his is a fool's errand. Some things can't be changed, and California just needs to burn, but that won't happen for a long, long time. I'm not hopeful.

    As for the military, Glenn Reynolds recently wrote a piece about growing discontent in its ranks, so maybe you're right.

  3. California is an outlier. The people (and businesses) with any sense have and are fleeing to more sane locales. California will eventually become a version of the Venezuela dystopia. Not totally worthless--it will serve as a bad example and warning to others.

  4. Rrad 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.

    We've tried un-f-ing it by ourselves and failed--even with Trump. Why not try asking for God's help. And I mean the God who sent Jesus to save us, not the Aloha Snackbar dude.

  5. Setnaffa,

    If there is a God, He has surely abandoned California.



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