Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Day 2 done

I moved squats to the "indoor" category (after posting the above), and because it was lightly raining as I was walking home, I cut my walk short. I did, however, jog* my kilometer without getting too wet, and I waited until about 9:30 p.m. to do the stairs. Even after removing 2 kg of weight from the weight vest, it was a difficult ascent with 5 kg still in the vest. Oh, yes: I also woke up a bit early and did my indoor exercises in the morning. Last night, I did everything at night, which meant I ended my routine a bit before 11 p.m. Splitting the exercises this way is much nicer: indoor stuff in the morning and outdoor/cardio in the evening.

I hope I feel stronger by the end of July.


*It's actually more as though I'm alternating 60 steps jogging, 40 steps walking.

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