Sunday, May 29, 2022


I agree with the spirit of the meme below, but to be statistically fair, we'd need to factor out the gun violence in the major cities of other countries of the world before we compare rankings. Always compare like with like. And even controlling for that variable won't stop gun-control enthusiasts from arguing that the mere presence of guns is what makes this an American problem. There's actually some truth to that: here in Seoul, where gun control is the only reality citizens know, there's no gun violence to speak of. People here can be violent, of course, although even if we talk about violence in general, Seoul is nothing like any big American city. I'm against gun control and very pro-2A, but I think I could sit down with someone from the opposite side of the aisle and at least discuss our differences.

That said, I think the point of the meme below, and the argument it represents, is that gun violence in the US is mainly confined to the big cities, and if we're to be frank, it's mainly gang-related, and if we're to be even more frank, it's mainly black-on-black violence that oh-so-noble entities like Black Lives Matter conveniently ignore in their ongoing pursuit of the straw man of white supremacy. Meanwhile, school shootings constitute, statistically, a vanishingly small minority of gun deaths, and they make the news precisely because they're rare. That, too, is something the media will never have the balls to utter.

By contrast, I totally agree with this:

We're all thinking this after Uvalde:

And here's why BLM is utter bullshit:

This gave me a chuckle:

I'm sick of the term systemic racism, frankly. 

Inconsistently applied logic = hypocrisy:

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