Sunday, February 18, 2024

trucker power


BREAKING REPORT: Truckers Plan to Stop Shipments to NYC in Response to Political Hack Judge Engoron’s $350 Million Ruling Against Trump and His Sons

Truckers to the rescue—again.

Truckers bravely exposed some of the worst COVID shutdowns in the world when they parked their trucks in [Ottawa] to protest the iron-fisted approach used against citizens by the Justin Trudeau regime. Truckers in the US showed solidarity for their Canadian neighbors and helped block shipping between the US and Canada in Detroit, Michigan. Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who was being considered for Joe Biden’s VP, quickly threatened arrest for truckers who dared to block the Ambassador Bridge.

American truckers are now reportedly threatening to stop deliveries into New York City over the grotesque $350 million judgment against President Trump and his sons Don Jr. and Eric by partisan hack Judge Engoron on Friday.

Aside from first responders, is there another profession in the United States that proudly wears patriotism on its sleeves like the American trucker?

An American trucker who goes by “Chicago Ray” had this to say in a video he shared on social media, where he explained why truckers across America are planning to stop delivering to NYC.

“I’ve been on the radio talking to drivers for the last hour and fifteen minutes, and I’ve talked to at least ten drivers going the other way. I’m heading down from South Wisconsin. And they’re [other truckers] gonna start refusing loads to New York City, starting on Monday for NYC. I talked to about three guys that I work with who texted the boss and told him they’re not going to New York City.

I don’t know how far across the country this is or how many truckers are gonna start denying loads to go to New York City, but I’ll tell you what—you f**k around and find out!”

Okay? We’re tired of you motherf**kin’ leftists f**king around with Donald Trump.

You know, motherf**kers are starting to get tired of this shit—and our bosses don’t care if we’re denying the loads into New York; we’ll go somewhere else.”

I don’t wish nothin’ on nobody, but what I’m hearing—this is real!

Ya know—we’ll see. Leave Trump the f**k alone with the bullshit! Alright? You know you ain’t got shit on Trump, so cut the bullshit! He’s gonna win this motherf**ker on appeal, but it’s still—you know how bullshit! It’s election interference.

I hate to say it, but Truckers are for Trump. We’re like 95% – 96% out here—-all Trump. Ain’t no motherf**kers for Biden!

Committed motherfuckers.  Good for them. Engoron must pay. Letitia must pay.

ADDENDUM: not sure why he "hate[s] to say it." Say it loud and proud!


  1. I'm not sure how that's going to work, but it is encouraging to see Americans stand up and say enough of this nonsense to our so-called elites. Maybe this will be the Fort Sumner event for the coming war.



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