Friday, April 26, 2024

the drawdown of my meds

Here's an update. I've just done the legwork of comparing the meds I received on April 11 and the meds I received today, on April 26. The doc did indeed reduce some dosages: 3 out of 8 of meds went from "take twice a day" to "take once a day"—not much of a drawdown, but not nothing, either. Better news: one blood-sugar med was removed entirely. All in all, I still have 8 types of pills to take per day, but the raw number of pills has gone down from 16 to just 10, which is close to the 8 pills a day I used to take. Alas, I'm still doing insulin injections, but if I stay ruthlessly low-carb from now on, I might wean myself off that, too. Per what the doc had said, the meds may get further reduced in a few months: we have to see how well I perform in the meantime. What I'm doing now seems to be working: Newcastle plus walking. I might also do the occasional one- or two-day fast to kickstart even more weight loss, but with my blood-pressure meds still being a huge component, I don't know if I should fast beyond 48 hours—not until my meds are reduced further.

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