Thursday, May 30, 2024

ass full of stats

Why they indicted him:

May update:

Real American's take on the state of the election:

Gold Crown politics weighs in:

Styx on whether Trump can win Virginia (despite a red governor, I think my home state is blue):

Doug on Trump and swing states:

Liberal Hivemind and the "path to victory"—a shift among minorities:

US Election Scenarios (sounds like an AI voice):

Another AI-sounding poll anaysis by HYPR Rewind:

More from Gold Crown on "the path to 270":

Red Eagle Politics on Trump in the Sun Belt:

Fantasy "best-case scenario" for Trump (won't happen):

Red Eagle on Trump, Haley's endorsement, and Georgia:

"Many more paths to victory":


AJ said...

What blows my mind in the stats you posted is that 43% of the voters want Dementia Joe. Proof positive people care more about their party being in control than they care about the future of their country. I consider myself a Republican but in my lifetime I have voted for a Democratic candidate when I thought it would be good for the country. Of course, that was when the Democratic party was a far cry from what it has become. Remember John F. Kennedy(D), "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". For me it has always been about country over party. Looks like I'll die a Republican.

Kevin Kim said...

And how many Democrats will ever say they voted for a Republican because country came first?