Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump found guilty

Donald Trump has been found guilty of 34 counts of records falsification in his New York trial. There will of course be an appeal, but appeal or not, he's now a martyr who has solidified his voter base, and New York's justice system is seen for the joke it is. I personally was never confident there'd be a hung jury, but whatever. The process grinds on. Best we can hope for is "reversed on appeal," but here as well, I'm not that hopeful. It's New York.


I'm not so optimistic, but anything's possible.

Styx thinks the ultimate troll would be for Trump to win the election, then for him to victoriously and publicly snip off the ankle monitor he's been forced to wear.

Trump is a megalomaniac, but he kind of has to be to survive all the shit the Democrats have been putting him through just because he changed his label from "D" (which he still is, really) to "R."

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