Friday, May 31, 2024

Styx with the post-verdict aftermath

"We've just thrown out nearly 250 years of civic precedents and legal precedents in the United States because of a highly politicized prosecutorial system attempting to take Trump off the campaign trail. Now we have to gauge the reaction."

ADDENDUM: Headline:

BREAKING: Donald Trump Raises a Jaw-Dropping Amount of Campaign Cash After Bogus Verdict

As we reported yesterday, Donald Trump's campaign donation page was overwhelmed on Thursday following the sham verdict from the rigged trial against him in New York City.

On Friday morning, less than 24 hours after the verdict was announced, the campaign announced it raised a jaw-dropping amount of money from supporters.

"Today, the Trump campaign announced a record-shattering small-dollar fundraising haul following the sham Biden Trial verdict totaling $34.8 million – nearly double the biggest day ever recorded for the Trump campaign on the WinRed platform," Trump campaign advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement. "Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats with their election interference political witch hunt have awakened the MAGA movement like never before."

To put that in perspective, Biden's New York City fundraiser, which included Hollywood stars, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, raised just $26 million in March.

So it begins. The Trump Effect is real.

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