Tuesday, May 28, 2024

the Libertarian Party... ha ha

They could've gone for Orangeman-not-from-Syracuse, but no. The Libertarian Party nominated a "gay race communist" named Chase Oliver (I don't care that he's gay, but I care about the "race" and the "communist"... and I guarantee that he will lose bigly). They will soon be suffering the consequences of rejecting a libertarian-adjacent candidate like Cheeto Hitler:

Libertarianism as a set of principles: cool. As a party: fuck, no.

If you want to hear what I think is the important part—about commonalities—start here. Libertarians have made the perfect the enemy of the good, then they fucked up the "perfect" part by going all in on a goddamn clown. What a nightmare. And how hilarious. They're willing to sacrifice their entire agenda just because Trump represents only 70% of what they want. I guess they're thinking it's better to lose a whole baby than to have most of a baby.

Conclusion: I can't take these people seriously. What a shame. Dr. Vallicella's been calling them "Losertarians" for years. I guess he was right.

Be a libertarian with my blessing. Just don't be a Libertarian.

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