Monday, May 20, 2024


I tried making a jicama "apple" pie filling this morning. It seemed fine while it was hot: the apple extract gave the filling an apple-y smell, but the jicama itself didn't taste like apples at all. When I got back from work, I tasted the filling again now that it had cooled down completely... and there was a nasty, acidic aspect to it that reminded me of vomit. Maybe it's just me; maybe I'm wired strangely, like people who perceive cilantro as soap. I had planned to make the pie crust tonight and serve the keto "apple" pie to my boss and coworker, but now, all I want to do is throw the filling away. Truly awful, and I'm not finding much corroboration for this experience online. Am I just weird, or did something go terribly wrong?

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