Saturday, May 25, 2024

campfire: a big pile of Styx

Plenty to keep you interested today. Watch at 2X speed if you're the impatient, inattentive type. And watch only the ones that pique your interest.

SCOTUS and the homeless (camping bans):

On the $95 billion "aid" package:

"Blinken Confirms China is Trying to Promote Biden and Interfere in the Election":

Some people still want to peg inflation to Donald Trump, but it's all on Biden:

On Title IX "reform"—due process is fucked:

"The Persecution of Donald Trump, Part Infinity":

On that meeting between Trump and DeSantis:

Arab Americans for Trump?

How it's going in El Salvador with crime and Bukele ("Vlad the Impaler"):

Biden insults Japan, calling the country "xenophobic":

"TDS hyperbole":

The death of yet another Boeing whistleblower:

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