Monday, May 20, 2024

oh, those wacky climate predictions

As I've said before, I'm all for cleaning up the environment, and there are plenty of obvious problems we could be focusing on, e.g., rivers clogged with plastic bottles, the Texas-sized trash island in the ocean, kids playing in piles of garbage and rivulets of sludge, etc. But the greenies lose me whenever they start to make their loony climate predictions based on woefully incomplete models that often get cause and effect backward—stuff like "Ten years to the end of the world," and "No more snows of Kilimanjaro," and "By 2015, island nations will be under water," and "The polar caps will have disappeared by 2020" and the worst one of all: "Climate change causes CO2 buildup." Stupid, apocalyptic, fearmongering "predictions" like that drive me nuts.

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