Monday, May 20, 2024

Pelosi mentally outmatched at the Oxford Union


Pelosi Thinks [We] Peasants Are Blocked by “Guns, Gays, God”

Nancy Pelosi recently made it clear that she thinks all of us peasants who aren’t progressives are too ignorant to understand their brilliance. We are “blocked” by “Guns, Gays, and God.”

Nancy Pelosi appeared at the Oxford Union debate while Winston Marshal presented the case for populism. Marshal debated opposing a motion to declare populism “a threat to democracy.”

He reviewed how the left is changing language and associating negative views with the populists in the United States. Marshal compared January 6 with the George Floyd riots, and she started waving her bony finger from her seat in the first row, insisting J6 was worse than the riots as it was an insurrection instigated by Donald Trump. She received applause, which doesn’t say much about the audience’s knowledge.

I guess I'll give Pelosi credit for having the balls or the stupidity—more likely stupidity—to appear before the Oxford Union thinking she could carry on a debate. Too bad about the ignorant crowd, though, eh?

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