Monday, May 27, 2024

storage space

My modest studio apartment is slowly but steadily running out of room to store things as the pile of my mortal possessions continues to increase in size. I've been spending my time since 2020 mainly saving my money, but I do steadily buy little things that I think I need, e.g., for my kitchen, and all of that has begun to add up.

I'm not into big, blasting stereo systems (which wouldn't be appreciated by my neighbors anyway), nor am I into shiny new cars or other large, expensive objects. But like everyone else in capitalist societies, I do accumulate what George Carlin derisively labeled stuff. At least two things are on the horizon, then: (1) a move to a bigger apartment (which might be irrelevant if our department gets erased), and (2) the jettisoning of a lot of what I have now—and not necessarily in that order: the jettisoning would more likely come first, and if I were to get rid of enough of my junk, I might be able to stave off moving for a while.

So—for storage, I have three new four-level, Ikea-style bookshelves ordered via Coupang, and I put one together tonight. The other two will come together during this coming week, and I'll finally be able to clear off the piles of shit on my various tables. Yes, even we guys occasionally feel the need to do a deep cleaning, what Koreans call the 대청소/daecheongso ("big/great cleaning"... Google Translate suggests "spring cleaning").

I'm looking forward to breathing free again, if only for a while.

Oh, and I'll be buying yet more bookshelves as I continue my campaign to find ever more storage space (not to mention space for my many appliances!).

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