Tuesday, May 28, 2024

wow! Donald Trump sits down with Tim Pool

Tim Pool has been itching to talk with Donald Trump for a while. What's next for Trump—Joe Rogan? Tim Pool is, whatever his faults, a pretty big fish, but Rogan is orders of magnitude bigger. For Pool, by contrast, Trump is doubtless the biggest fish.

Full podcast here. Trump sits with Pool for only about 17 minutes. To see that part, go to about the 1:30:30 mark (or just watch the above video). Otherwise, enjoy the commentary.

UPDATE: okay, I just watched the interview, and I'll be the first to admit that it was mostly softball questions from Pool. (Maybe I've been conditioned by the likes of the mannish and obnoxious Kaitlan Collins to expect nothing but barbs, arguments, and rude interruptions.) That said, Trump somehow managed not to go off track too much, answering Pool's questions directly in most cases, vaguely in some. You're not going to learn much that you didn't already know or suspect, but it's a worthwhile exchange all the same, if for no other reason than to see the unintentionally hilarious sight of Tim Pool fangirling.

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