Thursday, May 30, 2024

today's lunch

Today's lunch used up some leftovers: an extra can of chickpeas, an extra package of feta cheese, some dried figs, my second of two zucchinis, and some salmon. I made my Middle Eastern-ish sauce/marinade/rub/something and poured it all over the chickpeas and zucchini and fried them both up. I also gently pan-fried the salmon as my lunch's primary protein.

Spice-and-seasoning blend: salt, pepper, harissa powder, dried basil, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, chili flakes, turmeric, and brown sugar.

Add the olive oil. Mix with a little electric "frother" (a gift from the boss).

Zucchini and chickpeas (called pois chiches—"pwah sheesh"—in French).

Mixed with spices and seasonings, then stirred and pan-cooked.

cooked salmon piled on top (dipping sauce not pictured)

It was all a bit much for lunch, especially after adding pistachios, a block of feta cheese, and some figs, but it was also certainly among the healthier things I've eaten, even though chickpeas are in truth rather carby (about 27% carbs!).

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