Thursday, August 04, 2022


I threatened or promised my coworkers that I would eat the rest of today's food for dinner if they didn't eat anything. My American coworker grabbed some cookies, and my boss cut himself a slice of pie. My Korean coworker said he was having digestion issues (also, he had promised last week that he'd be making scones for today, but he failed to produce... as I knew he would, dammit), so he took nothing. I tried to eat the rest of my food, I really did. But in the end, the food won. Here's dinner, eaten at my desk:

Placing pan sauce on the potatoes was a genius idea. And the re-congealed butter sauce proved to be fine.

Here is a pretty good cross section of my (un-reheated) filet mignon after I was able to slice through it with a proper steak knife:

That's about as perfectly done as it gets. Even cold, it tasted amazing.

Next up—I did finish off the last piece of pie and the last remaining cookies:

I used maple extract instead of vanilla extract for the cookies. The taste came through!

your final view of dessert before the monster came

A most satisfying dinner, I must say. This has been one of my better cheat days, all in all. The cheat day might extend into tomorrow, though, so I can finish off my potatoes, peas, and sauces. The downstairs grocery where I work has some shabu-style sliced beef that I can cook up really fast and eat with my dipping sauces. It's the party that never ends! Actually, no: the party ends tomorrow. Back to the discipline after that. How sad.

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