Monday, November 21, 2022

that 2019 video

A video, supposedly from 2019, shows now-Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni going off on the exploitative nature of French colonialism. It's been making the rounds over the past few days, and it's a riveting watch:

The video does leave me with questions, though. The biggest one on my mind is this: don't most American conservatives dislike talk of Western colonialism? It's more of a liberal/leftist thing to criticize the West for its colonial past. (And I guess that, for France, this isn't so much a past thing!) Meloni makes for a special kind of conservative, then: one who's willing to criticize colonialism openly. I don't know Meloni well enough to say whether she's cynically scoring political points or is genuinely concerned for poor African nations, but she does seem to rip France a new asshole in the above minute-long segment. Ouch, baby. Very ouch.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek's tweeted remark about Macron (above) refers to the fact that the French president has, as this article puts it, taken jabs at Meloni in the past. That would seem to be unwise. Meloni obviously fights, and she goes straight for the balls. I'd like to think of her as Italy's Kari Lake, the only difference being that Meloni made it into office. Arizonans: clean up your act and clean up your electoral system. You need Kari Lake, not the cowardly monster you've allowed to creep into office.

AND IN OTHER NEWS: I see there's been a mass shooting at a Colorado gay nightclub. The report says five dead and eighteen injured. Clubbers helped subdue the gunman, who is in custody. I'll be curious to see whether we're looking at a deranged leftie or rightie.


  1. I'm a little ashamed to admit I had no idea that France was STILL exploiting poor African nations. I don't really get that currency thing, but damn, Macron got owned.

  2. I know next to nothing about the state of modern French colonialism.

  3. I'm not into that soccer nonsense in Qatar, but it seems France is the only European country that won't be wearing rainbow armbands in defiance of fifa and in support of LGBTQ and all those other letters that are constantly being added. I do find it amusing that Budweiser got removed from the games, but they can serve their non-alcoholic Buds though. I wonder if there will be any real backlash by the wokesters against those attending and advertising.



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