Tuesday, November 22, 2022

your Konglish for the day

My new-as-of-several-months-ago next-door neighbor has a little garbage pile sitting out in the hallway. Across from every apartment's front door is a huge A/C compressor encased in a bulky metal shield. The shield is boxy, rising a bit more than waist height for me, and the flat top of the shield is essentially a shelf. Some of us tenants take advantage of the shelf space, using it as extra storage. I've got my bike parked on mine right now, so I don't think I've got any right to complain about my neighbor's garbage. 

Anyway, I was walking past my neighbor's garbage pile when I saw the above and thought, "Cute." Just do eat! ASAP Pizza!

ADDENDUM: I only just realized the Konglish is a jokey attempt at bending the famous Nike slogan: "Just do it!" But it doesn't really work, so it's still Konglish.

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