Monday, April 01, 2024

Colbert and the vaxx

At least Trump has consistently touted his role in fast-tracking the shot, even when he was obviously wrong to do so. What's Colbert's excuse for being so spineless?

And you saw, in other news, that Jon Stewart fucked himself by accusing Trump of criminally overvaluing properties... and then it was discovered that Stewart had done the same thing, overvaluing a property he'd sold by almost 900%. These idiots can't help themselves: they commit the sin, then they project it onto their opponents. It's what the left does.

1 comment:

John Mac said...

How people can't see through these lying hypocrites is astounding. I know Colbert's audience is all bleeding heart libs, but the brain-dead refusal to question the bullshit they are being fed never ceases to amaze me.