Friday, April 12, 2024

home as of 11:30 a.m.

I'm home and dead tired, but I've showered off the hospital stink. I need to go out and get a continuous glucose monitor (CGM, which I've been wanting for a while since it's basically a Jiminy Cricket constantly hectoring your conscience); I can pin it to my shoulder and use it via my cell phone as a way both to monitor my glucose (and by implication, insulin) and have a record to show the docs the next time I see them, which'll be in two weeks. For the next three hours, though, I'm going to try napping without breathing issues, then head up to the special medical-equipment shop up the street to buy my CGM.

In terms of how I feel right now, well, I feel weak, and there's no way I'm walking 14 km anytime soon. The docs also advised me not to start up with the strenuous staircase work at first, but it's something that I can slowly build up to. More on all of this later. I look forward to talking about the nightmare that was Thursday (yesterday).


Charles said...

Glad you're back home. Get some rest.

Daniel said...

Congrats on the safe return home. Staircases and distance walking will all return in good time, but first get some good zzzzzz.

John Mac said...

Glad you're home. Take it easy; take your time. You still have a long road ahead.