Sunday, April 14, 2024

Part 2 is coming

It's been a lazy weekend of just resting since I got back from the hospital. I'm currently very weak, just like three years ago when I got out after my stroke. I imagine the weakness will last a few days. I'm normally sluggish in my movements, but I'm more sluggish than usual, and most of my muscular weakness feels as if it's in my shoulders: raising my arms above my head is a chore, and carrying anything heavier than empty cardboard boxes feels like a herculean effort. In the meantime, I've barely been able to summon the energy to stand, let alone write an extensive blog post. Expect something tomorrow, but today, Sunday, has been a day of rest. There are some scheduled posts on the way, but the main chronicle won't continue until tomorrow. Sorry and thanks for your patience. I have other posts on the way, too, and they might make an appearance later this week.

Meantime, what can I say? I can say that my breathing problem has mostly cleared up thanks to the care I received at the hospital, but I still have a bit of a stuffy/runny nose. The above-mentioned muscular weakness is frustrating, but I have faith that, as my body finds a new rhythm, things will even out, and I'll regain my energy. I want to get back into the exercise program that I had barely embarked upon before all this nonsense happened: dumbbells, calisthenics, kettlebells, heavy clubs, elastic bands, and animal flow—a little of each thing. I plan to restart the walking sometime this week, probably with some ridiculously modest distance, just to get back into the rhythm. By the end of April, I ought to be walking regular distances. In May, assuming my heart allows it, I'll start back with staircase work, maybe just up to the 6th floor, maybe farther. We'll see what the gods allow.

Just know that I haven't forgotten my duties. Expect more tomorrow.

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