Sunday, April 14, 2024

what's different this time around?

It feels as if some things have changed at the hospital since 2021. Here an incomplete listicle of perceived alterations:

  1. PA announcements are more frequent. 
  2. No more COVID testing protocols. I wasn't tested for COVID at all, and neither was my boss, who again acted as my guardian/보호자/bohoja.
  3. Wheelchairs seemed more solid, so wheelchair rides weren't as fun as they were before. 
  4. X-ray tech seems to have radically improved. Maybe I'm mistaken, but getting x-rays used to be a bit of an affair. Now, they stand you up against a special background, tell you to breathe in so as to expand your chest, then to hold your breath, and just like that, you're done in 5 seconds. 
  5. My roommates didn't fart as much, and when they did, they weren't nearly as loud and proud. 
  6. Western meals. I opted for Korean last time, but this time, they simply put me on a Western-meal schedule. 

That's all I can think of for now. 

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