Wednesday, May 29, 2024

about that Bronx rally

Trump is effectively stuck in New York thanks to his court cases.* Unable to campaign at large, he has focused his efforts on NYC itself. On some level, I imagine Trump still considers himself a New Yorker; a lot of New York diaspora that I've met seem to wear their New Yawk pedigree with pride. Whether you're born in New York or move there, once you're marinated in the culture, you're a New Yorker for life. So for Trump, these are his people. and despite how relentlessly these people vote Democrat, there are, in New York, occasional hints that the place may be more MAGA than it looks on the surface. Trump's rally in the Bronx a few days ago proved this point: most of the people who came to show support were decidedly not of the lighter persuasion, and they were all hopping mad about the four years of shit that Joe Biden has been shoveling down their throats. People have been starting to realize how good they had it under Trump, and why it's important to vote for the policies, not the man. Trump the man is flawed, imperfect, even odious—but as a president, he's a damn sight better, and more competent, than Flaccid, Creepy Joe Biden. 

Here's some commentary on the Bronx rally—before, during, and after.

From Harlem to the Bronx to Queens:

But Trump is racist!

Styx on the Bronx rally:

Vox populi:

The peeps came out in support:

From just before the rally:

"Massive success":

AOC is "jealous" of Trump's ability to draw a crowd:

The crowd shows its passion:

What this means in terms of stats and polls:

"Epic Bronx reactions":

*He can, in fact, duck out now and again if he doesn't have to appear in court.

1 comment:

  1. I'm anxious to see what the jury does in the faux trial. I hope there is at least one freedom-loving juror who won't put politics over justice. Then again, it's New York.



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